Mary came to our aid when our organization, Leap to Success, was experiencing a drought of volunteer website designers and developers for our non-profit projects. Even more extraordinary as our organization is in Austin, Texas and Mary was in Portland, Oregon! That in and of itself has impressed me no end, not to mention the caliber of talent and leadership in overseeing fellow team members (programmers, content editor, stakeholders) - is a true gift for this organization. She is dedicated to her craft and to pleasing the client; is a team player and excellent leader - coaching her team by example and utilizing positive motivation as her instrument; is able to quickly change course, delegate to accommodate and adapt to changing goals. I truly cannot thank her enough.
As the project manager, developer and designer, Mary managed everything from content to SEO, including a wage calculator and interactive map. She did an outstanding job managing our migration from old-school, data and text-thick site to a crisp, easy to navigate site that is accessible from all devices. I appreciate her ability to bring a local team of content editors and programmers together and get things done from a remote operation. She did an outstanding job creating the new brand identity for both Universal Living Wage and House the Homeless logo designs. Additionally, she easily made executive decisions to keep the project on track, replacing contractors as needed, thus preventing the project from stalling.
Mary was instrumental in developing our marketing materials. Not only did she develop the graphics, but she wrote a significant portion of the copy for the literature and website. Writing this copy is challenging indeed, as the writing topics were of highly specific scientific products. Such subject matter is difficult enough for scientists to cover effectively, let alone someone not familiar with the techniques. Mary was instrumental in developing well crafted, concise literature that got the point across. In addition, her writings were well knit with supporting graphics that further illustrated the points. In particular, her last catalog we did together was a stellar example of her combined writing and graphics skills. I give her my highest recommendation.